Ocean Nepal was the brainchild of Rajendra Subedee and his family. Owning a successful trekking business at the time Rajendra felt the need to give back. Originally, he took in five children from his home village who were not able to receive an education and provided them with a place to live, a private education and care. However, in 2009 after enduring many years of Maoist “revolution” Rajendra found himself scarcely able to provide for his own family. The government had sent him five more children from the Maoist fallout. He contemplated the need to send the children back to their limited family structures in the village.

After our visit to Nepal we encouraged people from our community at the American Community School of Abu Dhabi to visit with us. Through one trekking experience an entire movement was born.

That next year friends in our community helped to buy and build Ramro Sathi, a beautiful home for the children of Ocean Nepal. We created a network of support and a long term plan for the children’s education and care.

Currently, two graduates of Ocean Nepal care are attending university abroad. One in the Netherlands and one in Germany. We look forward to seeing the rest of these students actualize their potential in the world and chase their dreams.

To support Ocean Nepal by volunteering, sponsoring or sharing in the cost of further education please use the contact page to drop me a line.

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