The Preamble

The Interview


In 2009 a young girl in Nepal cheekily told me that she was going to be a doctor someday. From that first moment I believed her dream would come to pass. She described to me how she was going to change a small piece of the world for the better. She was going to expand the reach of medical assistance in Humla, an isolated region of Nepal, her home. Aschmita would prove to be among the best and brightest at school. For more than a decade we watched her dedicate all her energies to that dream. I promised myself that one day I would help that brilliant young girl realize her dream.

Both Aschmita and Bhabi are from Humla, a region of Nepal wounded by civil war in the latter part of the 90’s and early 2000’s. If you studied the plight of the people there you would begin to put together the story of how two five year old girls, Aschmita and Bhabi, ended up on the doorsteps of OCEAN Nepal orphanage in Kathmandu. If you watch the video from 1:20 mins – 2:45 mins, you will hear an absence of their storied past. It makes me wonder if many of us would do better not to remember… not to have our pasts define us. However, their story is not mine to tell nor does it begin to describe the potential of these two amazing girls.

You will hear it. They believe they were “chosen” – chosen to be raised by a caring family and receive a private education with opportunities for their future. In some divine way I believe they were chosen. And when these two young women receive their medical degrees they will go on to help ease the suffering of multitudes through their calling. And I will know that the collective good of others will have done the divine’s bidding… because these girls were destined to do this work and change a piece of the world for the better. Not caste, nor poverty, nor the absence of kin has deterred their commitment to their chosen path.

This video was shot at the end of April 2021. Bhabi and Aschmita are currently preparing for their medical entrance exams. In April of 2022, if accepted, they will enter medical school. The cost of tuition associated with medical school in Nepal is $20,000 USD per student.

The time to make good on my promise has come. From this month onwards I will be dedicating a percentage of my income to Aschmita and Bhabi’s dream. If you are looking for a way to pay it forward in the world, I encourage you to become involved in this project. I believe in these girls and the work that they are going to go on and do. Dividends the world over will be realized through your support.



We appreciate any and all you can give in support of this initiative. See how to support this project below.

DIRECT BANK TRANSFER – Mark & Michelle Taylor in Calgary, Canada are a cornerstone in the OCEAN Nepal community. This amazing family of individuals manages the finances for OCEAN Nepal. Please find their bios and contact information below. Donations allocated in Bhabi and Aschmita’s names may be arranged directly through bank transfer to OCEAN Nepal’s accounts held in Canada. If you would like to set up a one time or recurring donation for Aschmita and Bhabi or you are looking for other opportunities to sponsor a child please reach out to Mark and Michelle. Contact Mark & Michele directly at

Mark and Michele Bio They will be happy to talk with you about all the options available to be involved in the OCEAN Nepal community.

PAYPAL BUTTON ON THIS SITE – If you are more comfortable donating directly here I have made it easy by hosting a PayPal button on the site. We welcome and accept any donation you are willing to offer, big or small (or recurring payment) contributing directly to Aschmita and Bhabi’s education.


Send the link to rally friends, family and/or neighbors in support of this project.

Once you become part of the Ocean Nepal family you will be sent updates on how your dollars are contributing to the children’s futures. Thank you for your unending support. Then, when the world is ready I welcome you to come with me to Nepal. You will vividly experience the good you have made a reality!

Please feel free to reach out by private message if you have any questions about OCEAN Nepal, the continuing education of Bhabi & Aschmita or the work we do there.

Warmest Regards,

“Sometimes changing the world means supporting those who will…” Jasmine Brawn

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